November 5, 2009

Fall Fashion Priorities... How much are you paying for boots this season?

It's already November and it is more than likely that most of us do not have the MUST HAVES for Fall. I'm sorry that I was not here sooner to help but I promise it is not too late. Your MUST HAVES are what I like to refer to as investment pieces or items in your wardrobe that are meant to carry over until next year. The quality should be there but the price doesn't have to be.


1. Boots
2. Closed toed heel/bootie
3. Outerwear (Coat/Jacket... Depending on where you live)
4. Jeans
5. Handbags

Yes... I notice that #1 and #2 are both shoes. Face it we all love our $20 shoe find from Forever 21 but they're probably not going to live to see next Winter and if they do they are definitely not going to be as cute as they are now. You do have to invest in shoes but how much is too much?
Let's start with BOOTS. When shopping for boots remember the following: How much space is there between your boot and the leg? Why? The last thing you want is for your boot to squeeze your calf which will not only make you uncomfortable but it will look like your boots don't fit. If there is too much space it will add a lot of volume to the bottom half of your body and your boots will fall which is totally obnoxious.
TIP: Try on the boot and pull the inside away from your leg. Take a ruler and measure. You should have 1" to 1.25" space.

When shopping steer clear of the following and your boot purchase last for seasons to come:
1. Wedge Heels
2. Pointy Toes
3. Buckles that resemble ones leprechauns would wear
4. Bunched/slouchy leather (I know that these are a trend but they are not flattering--stay away)

Then we get to price how much is too much? Check out my favorite boots which range from $100-$300. Honestly if you want to pay for more go for it but I'm just looking out for you!

The Knee High boot. These boots should hit 1/2 between your knee and mid thigh. You can wear it over your skinny jeans or with a boxy shorter dress. My favorites are as follows:

The Casual Chic Flat Boot: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am so happy that a flat boot can be worn dressed up or down. When your feet need a break wear these comfy boots with leggings and a long tunic or in the office with a flowy dress. There isn't much you can't do with these...check out my favorites....

Happy Boot Shopping Ladies! Next time we'll discuss Booties and Coats when Fall Fashion priorities continues.

Until then...from one fashion enthusiast to another don't forget everyday is a new adventure--Dress like it!

DISCLAIMER: agirl2shop4u does not claim credit for any images featured on this site (unless otherwise noted). All photos are used for comment only. No photos are used for commercial use.

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